Saturday, May 3, 2014

Twin Breakfasts

Reminding me of Infinite Jest is one thing. Bringing Twin Peaks to mind is something completely different.

Yet, Rabo Karabekian's speech about his abstract painting shares a tone and purpose with Albert Rosenfield's explanation to Sheriff Truman about being a man of peace. Both are delivered to an antagonistic audience, spoken by someone defending a higher ground, and come across as perfectly sensible though outside of what might seem like common sense.

A yellow piece of tape on a canvas painted green being about the divinity of awareness is, after all, definitely outside of common sense's perception of such a thing. And Karabekian's calling the rest of the human person nothing more than a meat machine drives home his no-nonsense, I'm-saying-something-very-important tone.

And it feeds into the book's true climax. Not to mention affects the author himself, who just so happens to be present for Karabekian's speech.

Yeah, Breakfast of Champions is that kind of book. And I'm loving it.

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