Tuesday, November 12, 2013

'Gotta heed the call/of magic Dragon Balls shiny Fyggs'

I'm sure that Dragon Quest IX has more in it than what now seems like its prologue showed, but the story's taken a turn for the predictable. It's become the plot to Dragon Ball - I need to go around the world (or, as the game's angels call it, "The Protectorate") to collect the seven lost fyggs of Yggdrasil, the world tree.

Nested within this plot downturn, is promise of something twisty and cosmic down the way though. For your main character has a dream while sleeping under the world tree. In this dream you see two forces battling for the fate of the mortal world - and it seems that one of them has implored you to collect the seven fyggs. So, at some point, you might wind up fighting god, or whatever the game's "Almighty" really is.

At any rate, the game does a nice job of keeping the enormous feeling of the mortal world once you return to it. You're given a spell that teleports you to previously visited towns. And you're more or less given a vehicle - except that where it can land is extremely limited. Once again, promises are being made. Hopefully the game makes good on them.

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