Monday, April 28, 2014

Starting to see light in the Dawn and Dusk Towers

My progress through the interconnected Dawn and Dusk Towers continues to be slow. But, with all of the beasts that Aeron's been thrashing and the "Skill Band" he has equipped he's building levels quite quickly. Level 40 should be sufficient for the games' final few Masters, but we'll see.

Actually, I'm feeling better about my struggles with this game's final two towers.

Perhaps it's that quickly rising level of my player character.

Or, maybe knowing how tightly linked these Towers are has forced me to see them less as two distinct towers and more as one singular construct. Not to mention their chains are usually paired together. So the anchor for a chain in the Dusk Tower is usually just a teleport away from an anchor in the Dawn Tower. I have just one more to break in that Tower and two more in the Dusk Tower.

Nonetheless, from a gameplay perspective it still feels like a hassle to get through Dawn and Dusk.

Yet, at the same time, forcing the player to finished two dungeons in tandem so that they become one dungeon seems to be the only clear way to advance the difficulty of a dungeon to what's necessary for a game's final bit. Outside of simply making a longer dungeon (which combining two is a form of, but still).

With my continuing level-grinding, though, I'm feeling certain that whatever the Masters of these two towers are, they'll be pushovers. And, that the game's final boss will probably be a step down from them in difficulty.

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