Friday, August 9, 2013

Talking a bit of Schtitt

Maybe I just like the way that David Foster Wallace handles accents. His use of eye dialect really works for me; I can almost hear Schtitt and Marathe while reading their dialogue. It no doubt helps that I  find Schtitt's tennis philosophy to be utterly fascinating.

It's nothing overly intricate but it reminds me of the sort of thing I was exposed to while learning Hung Gar kung fu. All of that "stay in the moment" and "you and the technique/opponent are all you need to focus on" sort of stuff seems to apply generally to individual sports, but still. The idea of self transcendance through self control definitely underpins the appeal of Schtitt's philosophy for me.

In fact, self mastery seems like it could be the ultimate introvert achievement in the same way that synchronizing with a group could be the ultimate for extroverts. Though there's no doubt some crossover between those groups.

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