Friday, July 5, 2013

A fraud and a theory

I'm happy the see that some things, once encountered in Radiant Historia, do not become merely forgotten, trapped around their respective events. In particular, the game had me do a little fist pump when Field Marshal Viola reappeared. She had a few brief lines of dialogue with General Hugo in a cutscene, but since she's the last of the Alistellian commanders, it's quite clear that she'll come into conflict with Stocke and co. sooner or later. That meeting is sure to showcase an excellent bit of the game's story and character development.

Unlike the expected, but underwhelming reveal that the Prophet Noah is a fake. There was someone by that name, once, but apparently for the last five years Hugo has managed to trick people with a dummy dressed in robes. I never got the impression that people in this world were that easily fooled, but it's not as if Hugo started the Prophet Noah cult from scratch. He was just perpetuating it, extending it beyond the life of its charismatic founder.

Since this is a J-RPG, and it seems that things are about to get crazy, my completely insane theory as to how it'll all end goes something like this: Stocke and co. will be faced with a fight against Viola, however, either after the fight or before it, it will be revealed that she and Noah attempted to perform the Flux ritual, and she currently has half a soul or one and a half souls. Noah died because his soul couldn't get back to him quickly enough, and this excess or lack in the soul department is what makes Viola so charismatic and politically dangerous.

There's not much in the story as I have it so far to suggest that such will be the case, but what good is a crazy theory if it's fully grounded in reality - even if that reality is a fiction?

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