Saturday, May 11, 2013

Forks and Uneven Tine-lines

It seems that for a game that offers so much freedom, Radiant Historia still could be played in a "right" way.

Based on a scene you see involving Aht in her role as a shaman in the Spec Ops timeline, it seems that the game should be played alternating between timelines as nodes are created. This has to be the case since down the Soldier timelines, Aht's being a shaman is mentioned and no one bats an eyelash or tosses about a question. Meanwhile, in the scene from the Spec Ops timelines, everyone (Stocke included) acts as if they've never seen Aht send someone to heaven before.

As the game gets more complex, and more characters and events are added to the plot (so far I've discovered about 1/5 of the nodes and events the game has to offer), how important will it be to play the game in its "proper" order?

Will jumping several nodes ahead into one of the two timelines unbalance the story?

If so, then why aren't there certain item quests or conditions that need be met before you can progress further more often?

On top of all of this, who knows what Aht's giving Stocke a "White Page" will mean later on. It's definitely got to be a page from the White Chronicle, but what could its purpose be?

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