Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pre-Sewer Spelunking in Granorg

There comes a time in every J-RPG (really, any RPG), when you just have to get your knee-high boots wet with sewer water. In Radiant Historia that time is now. What better way could there be into Granorg's castle?

Especially when there's a public beating/execution happening in front of the main entrance. But that seems to be another story entirely at this point in the game.

Along with the inevitable sewer-spelunking that's the next step in the game, the loose page Aht gave Stocke has fulfilled its purpose. When Stocke was taken into the White Chronicle for the move into the second chapter of the Spec Ops timeline, the two mysterious elf-children taught him a new technique. The name "Mana Burst" suggests a powerful, field-wiping attack, but it sounds like it's just another battle command.

Down the line, there's definitely got to be such a technique, but for now it just enables a turn-stealing technique. Not quite the destructive power that would make all of the game's repeat battles worlds easier, but definitely a start.

With sneaking into Granorg's castle and a new group of techniques coming up, it really feels like the game's starting to pick up some serious momentum. Alternating timelines really should've been more strongly suggested earlier in the game. Focusing on one until you need to back track really slows the game's pace to a crawl.

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