Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Predicting the next big event in River of Stars

Well. I was right about Shan and Ren. Will I be right about Ren alone now? Kay has created a scenario in which his death, or, at the least, imprisonment, is imminent. Though, this prediction comes with the caveat that Kay has a master's touch when it comes to building suspense.

As the story moves into the fourth chapter, the book's scope has widened significantly. Kitai is on the verge of another war for its lost lands and Ren, though rising through the ranks, is on the wrong front. It's a move that does a great job of ratcheting up the story's tension, since it forces Ren's rise into the social fore. Chances are, he'll wind up killed or imprisoned on the premise that he is consolidating power to prepare for a rebellion.

Of course, the book still has two parts more (and another ten chapters). Although Ren and Shan's relationship was fairly predictable, and I'm expecting Ren's demise, there's still plenty of time for River of Stars to surprise.

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