Friday, January 31, 2014

The climb ahead looks more perilous yet

I'm all for platforming. And time limits are okay, too. But if it wasn't for the shortcut that you can open up in the Ironclad Turret, I do not think that I'd be able to get up to the boss in time to beat it and get back to the Observatory - even if the game automatically teleports you back there once you exit the boss chamber.

Having to time jumps and watch for chances to hookshot onto moving targets is too much like the last area or two of a 3D Legend of Zelda game. But the Ironclad Turret is just tower number seven of thirteen. And I haven't spoiled anything major for myself, but I know that the game has something of second half beyond the towers, too.

Though, more than likely this platforming is just a matter of the tower's theme. Based on what's inside, the Ironclad Turret is very likely a weapons factory of one sort or another. I'm not sure what all of the press mechanisms jabbing into the walls have to do with weapons manufacture, but still.

At any rate, Pandora's Tower's challenge continues to escalate. Which is kind of fitting, what with all the towers involved.

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