Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Comic catch up: Refreshing my mental captchalogue

Sometimes you just need to read some comics. Also, sometimes you forget your books when you rush out of the house in the morning. Whatever the case, the ubiquity of the 4G network allowed me to read a tiny fraction of what I have to catch up on with Homestuck.

Just how far behind am I in this lovely monstrosity of a comic? Far. I'm hardly out of the first act. I'd read it before, but went back to where I actually recognized what was happening (shortly after the beta was starting to mess up John's reality). Now I'm up to where Rose is trying to one-up her mother by taking the velvet pillow that her mother placed under her note so that she can stitch a thank you note into it.

Although, as a comic, it can't obscure timelines and perspectives in the same way that a book can, as I'm reading through it, Homestuck reminds me of something. It reminds me of Infinite Jest.

I think that the main reason for this is that Homestuck has the same frantic tone that parts of Infinite Jest do. Plus, because of the way that it unfolds and the very nature of the story itself, you're not really sure what's going in in Homestuck - just as you're not sure about what's really going on in Infinite Jest for most of it.

At the very least, both works are of a seemingly indomitable length.

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