Saturday, October 12, 2013

Waiting for Gogoat

It's been a while since I've played  Pokemon. When the series first came out I was all about the Red, Yellow, and Blue. But, I played them all on an emulator, and so the experience was limited.

Plus, because I'd played the same adventure three times over with a relatively short time between them, I was burned out on Pokemon when the second generation arrived. Besides, Link's Awakening and the Oracle games were so much more interesting.

But I went to one of Ontario's pre-Pokemon X/Y events earlier today and played something a little more modern while en route and in line: Pokemon Diamond. After all, 2007's practically 2013, right? Right?

I made it through the game's introduction and have to say that the series has come a long way. Visually and musically, Diamond is well done. I also appreciate getting a speed boost early in the game. The default walking speed makes it seem like your character has to step crunchily onto every stone or floorboard he/she passes. Being able to choose between a boy amd a girl's quite a leap forward for the series, too.

However, I'm not a fan of the battle menu remembering what you did on your previous turn and defaulting to that. I also feel like I've been dropped into the game without any direction. I'm sure that just a few steps out of Sandgem Town I'll find some information on where to go next, though.

That'll be a good thing, actually, since I won't be playing much Diamond until I get to the Gift Game portion of my Games List.

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