Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Away Game Special: Flattened space

So, the double jump from Yoshi's back is possible. A lack of experimentation and Super Mario Galaxy 2's weird fixed camera are my excuses for not realizing this sooner.

Writing of which, the game's camera is a major problem. In Super Mario Galaxy, the camera seemed more willing to swing around as you wandered over planetoids. Instead, in Super Mario Galaxy 2, the camera only flips with you if you use a pipe to move from one side of a planet to another. This discrepancy in the camera could be explained away with the presence of Yoshi or the second player's luma, having the extra player-controlled character on screen may've created problems with a more free-flowing camera.

In any case, with the camera being so much more fixed, Super Mario Galaxy 2 has a much more side-scrolling, isometric feel to it. It just isn't as a free and open as Super Mario Galaxy was, and thus doesn't have the 3D feel of its predecessor. 

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