Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dabbling in Dorne

Amidst the chapters with familiar characters who seem fairly immediate, Martin drops one from the perspective of Areo Hotah, the loyal protector of Doran Martell. Yes, it's back to Dorne, briefly, in book five.

Dorne still has Myrcella, it's true. There's also the Dornish plot to join the house of Martell to that of Targaryen. But Jon Connington and Varys have a similar plot to join Targaryen to Targaryen. And then there's everything happening back in Westeros itself. Dorne seems far away for even a place of pure fancy amidst all of those other plots. Why bring it up again?

Being epic fantasy, the best reason I can fathom is simply: why not? Martin's got a lot of threads to account for, so what's one more to weave in with the rest?

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