Friday, June 14, 2013

More spins and dips - and a toss

More and more, different characters are taking on different genres. Davos is still very much reading like he's in a story of deep intrigue, especially as he's lead to a secret meeting with Lord Wyman. Dany's reading more and more as something more political. And Jon's chapters are still very much about the vigours of his office - with a bit of Melisandre thrown in for good measure.

What else can I really say? Tyrion's chapters are the ones that seem to be the most dynamic, but which Queen he was being taken to was never much of a mystery. His captor has too much loyalty to the one much closer, and who's likely to be much more benign towards Tyrion. And who wouldn't want to be loyal to someone with dragons?

It's definitely awesome to see Rickon pulled back into the story, as well. Though whether or not that will actually play out before the end of the book has yet to be seen. 400 pages out of 959 have been read, and yet it looks like there are still a few more new perspective characters in the last 559.

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