Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Plot and Endnotes

It's still supposed to be hundreds of pages away, but the plot keeps appearing. As if the section where Orin calls Hal to tell him he thinks he's being followed wasn't so much a grab bag as a smorgasbord. It gave some insight into both characters, filled in some of the Incandenzas' family history, and made it possible for a teenage tennis player to take 10 pages to clip the toenails of one foot.

As much as learning about Wallace's characters is fun, there's still quite a bit left out of the experience. I'd rather a deluge of plot compared to its current trickle. Though, I wonder if the endnotes would inspire as much excitement/anxiety if the plot were already humming along.

As it is, each endnote is like a call into the boss' office. You never know what's up until the meeting's practically ended.

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