Monday, August 19, 2013

A tingling conscience

Retracing my steps through the Insect Cavern to get what I'd lost along with my DS' battery power was easy. But the boss at the end of it all put up a true fight.

It was a return to the first boss, where Tingle has to drop bombs on the gnarled face lodged in the shell of a giant bug.

Ten balloons hold our green leotard-wearing hero up, and if they all pop then you have to begin the fight all over again. Ten balloons are enough, for sure, but the boss has two phases and your balloons carry over rather than being refreshed. Since there are some bullet hell elements to the boss fight, and Tingle's slower when he's lugging a bomb, the spread of little spherical bullets can be hard to avoid. Balloons will be burst. Plus, if Tingle's hit while carrying, the bomb explodes and he's thrown back.

It was a tough one, but not too hard a nut to crack.

Curiously though, halfway through delving into the dungeon again, Tingle's bodyguard got knocked out. At first, I left him where he lay, knowing that there would be no consequences for doing so.

My conscience got the better of me one room later, at which point I went back, found him, and paid to revive him. Though after that neither he nor Tingle saw any combat, since all was clear from there to where the boss, and better bodyguard, waited.

Nonetheless, this occurrence holds my attention.

Does it suggest my style of play?

Is it a testament to the effectiveness of colourful characters and how easy they are to empathize with?

Or does it imply that I carry around a certain level of general, unfocused guilt, guilt that helping out a figure that's just pixels and programming assuages?

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