Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Under-your-nose obscurity

Requiring rupees for everything is one thing. Being obscure about where things need to be done is another. Thankfully, most Zelda games only feature the former. Rosy Rupeeland has a habit of mixing the two, unfortunately.

Where you need to dump the Super Soup in the Icy Plains graveyard is a prime example of this combination. You need rupees for the information/event trigger, and to buy the recipee involved. Then you need to work out where exactly you need to dump out a bottle of Super Soup to stir Chiko's grandmother's soul.

At first, my Zelda-honed instincts told me to dump it on the frozen headstone at the graveyard's end. But this had no effect.

After watching this blunder play out, I realized that an Icy Plains landmark resembled Chiko's clan quite closely.

So now I know what needs to be done (and have confirmed it with a guide), but still feel like I've somehow been foiled by Rosy Rupeeland's under-your-nose obscurity.

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