Saturday, August 24, 2013

My DS is not solar powered

Let's be honest here. Playing portable video games in the sun has never been a good idea.

Using real sunlight in a game (see Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hands) is a neat concept, but neat concepts don't make non-backlit screens easier to see in the great outdoors.

That's why I automatically flicked my DS off after resuming a slumbering session of Rosy Rupeeland while waiting for the bus. That's got to be why. Some deep part of my brain knew I'd give myself eye strain, or, much more immediately true, that I couldn't see anything no matter how much I wanted to.

And there's a lot to see in Icy Plain.

It's the game's required ice area, but nonetheless has plenty to discover within it. There're the landmarks to map, a bridge to build, an Oinker stronghold, and plenty of enemies to scrap with for scrap items. On top of all that, there's a blizzard that blocks your sight over a patch of the area that's a network of land bridges, and the initiating event for a second continent-wide sidequest to find the lost pieces of a broken airship.

Thankfully I'd only scratched the frosty surface of the Icy Plain before sun-blindly powering down my DS.

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