Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Parallel institutions

It's hard to believe, but another character is introduced, this late in  the game. This character is Pemulis' brother, a prostitute. As of now he's just offered an extra perspective on an event and on Pemulis.

But that event is small, and the abuse their "Da" doled out is of a different flavour of that which other parents doled, but had similar toxic effects.

More interesting are the constant parallels Wallace draws between ETA and the Ennett House. Most recently Hal and Gompert are the ones running parallel, both sharing similar feelings of anhedonia. Neither of them can feel joy at the moment.

Emotional likenesses aside, I wonder if there's a larger point being made here, something like: inborn sport talent is as dangerous as substance abuse. It might sound odd, but this point neatly aligns with ETA's teaching goals. Preparing their students for the pros and for the celebrity they face will help them to keep control in the outside world. As a halfway house, it's Ennett House's job to do the same for its residents, at least re: keeping control in the outside world.

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