Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pushing onward in Rosy Rupeeland

It's never been a big deal in Rosy Rupeeland that Tingle's just a normal guy. His outfit is commented on every now and then, but otherwise he's never really noted. Among the amalgam of Tingle's non-notable characteristics, his strength is a great candidate for the most unremarkable.

Now, barrels full of gun powder are definitely heavy, but Tingle's lack of strength means that he pushes them around as slowly as everything else he pushes. Normally, the speed at which you can push things around doesn't matter. But in the mini-boss fight on Tingle's second visit to the Pirate Ship, his begrudging shoving around of barrel-sized grenades is terrible.

The only way to progress the battle is to catch the bug-possessed captain skull in a chain explosion of at least five of the grenades. However, along with Tingle's moving the barrels about, the skittering skull nudges them when it bounces off of them, and your bodyguard pushes them out of place as he or she walks past. So to finish the battle I had to patiently line up the barrels, use my bodyguard to nudge the boss into the enclosure and then quickly set off the chain.

Looking back, it's fair to say that that miniboss is Rosy Rupeeland's Moldorm. Yes, the incredibly frustrating boss from A Link to the Past and The Wind Waker. It's had other appearances, but those two are the most difficult since it thrashes wildly about and either knocks you off of its platform, or is just simply frantic in 3D.

With a mountaintop dungeon ahead, though, a giant multi-sectional worm boss isn't out of the question. So there may be something more Moldorm-like on the way.

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