Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Quick Chip

Having only had enough time for a quick session, my progress in Radiant Historia's almost negligible. Yet, battling more monsters, and working my way deeper into the mine has shown some of the game's drawbacks and some of its potential.

The battle system is definitely a nice variation on the usual turn-based system usually found in J-RPGs. However, the fact that you need to string attacks together to attack more than one enemy (at least for now) makes battles a little tedious.

At first this system's novel, and it introduces an element of strategy that's appreciated. Ultimately, though, the battle system suffers from the same thing that Final Fantasy games suffer from: A numbing wash-rinse-repeat cycle of spamming every enemy you meet with high powered, group attacking spells. The only difference with Radiant Historia is that what you wind up using over and over again in battle actually involves three steps.

On the exploration side of things, some progression in the game's puzzles is evident. Though right now the extent of it is the game's having two explosive barrels side by side, and two clearly seen rows of rocks to blow through. Still, I've plenty of the game to get through yet, so there may be a real head-scratcher eventually.

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