Thursday, March 14, 2013

Now You're Playing with Fire

How did that turtle ever find its way out of this shell? All of the stairwells, and bombable walls, and ice blocks, and just everything. This must be the last full dungeon because the whole damn thing's a puzzle. It's enough to make me either draw up my own map with more detail, or to just get a walkthrough.

There's just the boss key left to find now, but the search was well worth it. Even the dialogue box that opens up when you find the dungeon's item - the magic rod - is elated about it, sounding more like a little voice in Link's head goading him on to arson, rather than just describing what he's found. But, wow, does it merit such glee.

The hookshot takes a lot of enemies out in one hit, but this magic rod does the same thing and adds a little fire animation to the mix, making Link's rampages through this dungeon's drear rooms all the more satisfying.

If only the rod's magic fire could melt walls into ramps - I'd be well on my way to the boss key and beyond.

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