Saturday, February 23, 2013

Rooted Inside the Deku Tree

It's a bit disappointing inside the Deku Tree. I was hoping that it'd be laid out like the first dungeon of Ocarina of Time. However, the music's a nod to that gem of a game -- it's a slower, slightly ominous remix of Saria's Song. However, the existence of the Deku Tree in the world of Rosy Rupeeland makes me wonder even more how this game fits into the Zelda timeline.

I mean, Link or Zelda haven't shown up (yet), but the Deku Tree and Lon Lon Meadow make appearances. Perhaps the seedling that lives beside the Deku tree is the one that grows into the Deku Tree from Wind Waker, or from Ocarina of Time. Aesthetically, the Deku Tree that Tingle meets is closer to the former, so maybe this game takes place in that part of the "official" timeline.

Speculations aside, this is the first non-linear dungeon. There's a puzzle here much like the one in Lord Jabu Jabu's Belly in Ocarina of Time. After you open up the ladder chutes on the first basement, three plants grow over the main chute. As far as I can figure, you need to find and defeat all three of these plants' roots/hearts to open the way forward.

What's got me stuck, though is that I need "poison to defeat poison" - I must've missed a recipe or an item, because I can't bat back the plants' poison's spit or their mushrooms' spores, and I can't brew up poison. There's the Scrap Broth, but it does nothing.

So, I never thought it would happen, but I'm stuck in Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland. For now.

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