Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sneaking About

The sneaking mechanic in Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland is both picky and forgiving. So far it's only been used to tail one of the town's kids as he sneaks around various areas.

You follow this guy at a secure distance, keep going from point to point, and eventually found him stopped at one place near water. Then he'll get nervous, hand over and empty bottle and run off. There's always a message in the bottles he's carrying so close to the water, and so he's probably the one who left the bottle and the first message found earlier in the game.

The stealth system's picky because it demands staying in a  particular angle in the boy's line of sight, and will have him stand and whistle until you're in that spot. It's forgiving in that he just stands and whistles rather than running away or whatnot.

Otherwise, Junglo, the game's Tarzan-like character, is proving useful, but going through the forest maze with him is not going to be great. He's got a single heart for health, you see. Though there are these plants in the forest maze that eat scrap broth and make vitamins that sell for 2000 rupees.

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