Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What does this Button do?

The Oinkers have been ousted! All two of them. Though the battle mechanic proved a bit clumsy. At least 30 rupees wasn't lost whenever Zonma, my bodyguard was charged. But the basic concept was simple enough. Let them see you, charge, and then guide them into a wall. Once the Oinkers're seeing stars attack as usual. But their lair is a very confined space, and there's not a lot of wiggle room if your bodyguard's bigger than the "small" size. All the same, they fell like a house of cards in the end (glued edges notwithstanding).

And for my troubles, I found a shiny golden button, just like the one the guard described. 3000 rupees later, and I'm starting to feel like the game's going to get easier. Well, less grind-intensive, anyway.

Having dug up some "Shoddy Knife" items in the Oinkers' lair also helped foster this optimistic feeling, I discovered that you don't sell them to the armourer in town, but haggle for a sell price. 185 rupees was the highest I went, but 200 is probably the upper limit.

Raking in the rupees like this has made it possible to think about getting a smaller bodyguard to get something missed in one of the dungeons, but now that the Oinkers are defeated, it seems the jeweller's daughter just lost her glasses. No doubt a cow ate them, but we'll find out soon enough.

Unless I'm on the verge of being stumped.

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